Warranty, Guarantee, Refund, Rebate, Exchange По-Русски
Don't let sellers fool you! We'll look at some shopping words which might confuse students. Don't forget the letter "u" after the "a" in the word "guarantee". You could lose a point on your exam for that. They are similar to a certain degree, but however there are many differences in meaning. Let's start now!
A warranty is a promise made by the seller to fix any problems that you might have with the product in the future. It is usually written. It is used only with products. So you get a warranty on a TV, a radio or a smartphone.A warranty has a time frame. Some products have a one-year warranty, while others have a lifetime warranty. Some products have no warranty. If your TV for example stops working, then you could take it to a repair shop or simply throw it away.
A guarantee is something the seller promises. There are different types of guarantees, for example: lowest price guaranteed. That means if you find the same TV somewhere else cheaper, then you could return it to the shop and get your money back. For example if the other TV costs 150 dollars less, then the shop will give you back/return the difference. Sometimes, you are not satisfied with the quality of the service you get. For example, let's say you ordered some books on the internet, they are handed over to you by the delivery guy, you sign the documents. Then when you unpack the box, you find that they are old and dirty, that's when you can call in the office and ask for a refund, you send the books back and the company returns your money. A rebate on the other hand is somewhat like a discount, it is actually a sum of money that the shop gives you, because you find something wrong with the product (a defect). For example, if you find that the trousers have a hole in them, then you ask the shop assistant for a rebate. Let's say, if the trousers cost 120 dollars, then the shop assistant takes 20 bucks off the price and you end up paying only 100 bucks.
Some clothes' shops don't offer refunds, they offer an exchange instead. If you buy a shirt or shoes, go home, then you find out that the shirt is too long or short for you, or that the shoes are too big or small for your feet, then you come back to the shop to return the product, and ask them to give you back your money, then they refuse. So they tell you that you could try on another one, and if you like the new product, than you can take it home and return the old one.
Some big-box shops have a policy called "no refund". That means that you need to carefully check the product before buying it and search for potential defects. If you make a claim after buying the product, no one will give you your money back.
Some good companies, especially in the electronics sector offer something called "customer service". That means if you have any questions, or you need to repair, let's say your smartphone, than you just call in the office, they send someone to help you, or ask you to bring your smartphone and they check it on the spot. If they can't fix it, then they send it to a service center.
Перевод Слов с Примерами
He was fooled by a group of teenagers. (вешали ему лапшу на уши).
Don't be fooled by young beautiful.
re you fooling me: (ты серьезно что-ли)?
He is a fool. (он тупица).
You are a fool if you think that she loves you.
He promised to pay me back but like a fool, I believed him. (как дурак).
She felt like a fool when her boyfriend saw her shaggy hair. (растрепанные волосы).
She felt like a fool when he dropped his phone in the toilet.
She made a fool of herself at the party. (всех рассмешила своим дурацким поведением).
Long numbers confuse me. (меня путают).
The boss is angry because the secretary confused everything. (перепутала все).
He always confuses these two names because they are very similar. (путает имена).
He confused her with his comments. (ее смущал).
She got confused and dropped the file. (она перепуталась).
He lost many points on the exam because of spelling/pronunciation errors. (очки потерял).
We have to set a time frame for the project. (ставить, определить временные рамки).
He got a lifetime warranty on his car. (пожизненная гарантя).
He computer broke down and he took it to a repair shop yesterday. (отнес в "ремонт" компьютеров).
He threw his old phone away because it's screen was cracked: он выбросил своеого старого телефону, потому что его экран треснул.
Did you get your money back for the broken TV: тебе вернули деньги за сломанный телевизор?
The travel agency has cancelled our trip and refunded us the tickets. (вернуло нам деньги за купленные билеты).
She was given a full refund for travel expenses: она получила полный возврат за дорожные расходы.
She ordered some flowers on the internet. (за казала по интернету).
She placed an order on the website for a new perfume. (сделала заказа). Также можно сказать "she made an order".
If you don't like the shoes, you can exchange them.
I exchanged the small shoes for bigger ones.
Do you want to exchange this TV for another model, or do you want your money?
To a certain degree: до какой-то степени.
The teacher handed a copy to every student. (дал копию каждому).
The postman handed over the letter to the woman.
The thief was handed over to the police by a group of men. (вор был доставлен в полоцию).
She handed over her passport to the custom's officer. (дала паспорт сотруднику таможни).
The old lady handed her bag/wallet over to the thief. (отдала сумку/кошелек).
This is my teddy bear, hand it over! (давай его сюда).
We cleaned the apartment and handed it over to the owner. (отдали ключи от квартиры хозяйке).
When she unpacked the present, she found a worm inside it. (открыла подарок).
When she arrived at the hotel, she unpacked her suitcase/her bags. (распаковала чемодан/сумки).
Potential defects: возможные дефекты.
He found many defects in the new camera.
There are no defects in this phone.
He sent back the shoes because his wife didn't like the color. (вернул (через доставщик либо почтой).
The pizza delivery boy hasn't arrived yet. (дотавщик пицци).
He worked as a delivery boy for a coffee shop.
The delivery boy rang and dropped the package at the door. (звонил в дверь и оставил посылку).
He called the police and they were on the spot in half an hour. (были на месте).
The schoolgirl was hopping on the spot to warm herself. (скакала на месте).
The football player is running on the spot before the game. (бежит на месте).