Если что-нибудь очень дешево на английском языке
This dress is at an affordable price. (по разумной цене).
The car was a good bargain. (купили по выгодной цене/bargain: выгодная покупка, сделка).
bargain bin: контейнер в котором кладут недорогие товары.
He is a budget tourist. (бюджетный турист).
This is a budget motor boat.
It is so cheap.
You can find cheap rate phone cards there.
The two student stayed overnight at a cheapo hotel to save money.
There is nothing more than cheesy souvenirs in this shop. (cheesy: убогий, отвратительный).
The house decor is chintzy. (вульгарный, низкого качества.-chintz: чинц вид дешевой ткани).
He found two cut-price plane tickets to Turkey. (по сниженной цене).
His wifes uses the washing machine at night because she gets cut-rate electricity at that time. (cut-rate: по тарифу со скидкой).
This jacket is dirt cheap.
The restaurant also offers economical meals for families.
If you buy an economy pack, you get one free razor. (экономичная расфасовка).
She bought an economy-size an bottle of shampoo for the family. (эконом-упаковка).
He didn't have a lot of money, so he bought an entry level pc. (недорогая модель/модель начального уровня).
He bought the car for a song at an auction. (auction: аукцион).
The shop is closing down, and the stock is going for a song. (close down: закрывать навсегда/stock: инвентарь, товары).
All of our services are free.
You can get anyone of these products free of charge. (charge: плата за услугу).
How many free-to-air channels do you have? (в сокращенном виде: FTA, в открытом доступе, бесплатно, в отличии от платного кабельного телевидения).
The perfume shop gives samples away to attract customers. (give away: раздавать).
He bought it at a giveaway price.
Children get in half-price: вход для детей за полцены.
Ticket for the new movie are now going at half price.
He payed half-price for the petrol because he has a discount card. (discount card: дисконтная карта).
They chose an inexpensive flight to the Baleares.
In this library books are sold at knock-down prices. (бросовые цены/knock down the opponenet: сбить противника с ног. В бизнесе это значит продавать товар по ценам ниже себестоимости (с целью демпинга) для того, чтобы вытеснить конкутентов из бизнеса-нечестная пракатика в бизнесе, наказуется законом).
They took a low-cost flight to Germany.
The old couple bought a low-end car for their country house. (low end: доступный и одновременно низкий по качеству).
She likes shopping in low-end supermarkets.
This camera is for the mass market. (массовый рынок).
She offered him miserable 50 bucks for his old phone.
If you want to pay less, then travel off-peak. (не в часы пик).
I took an off-peak train.
I made an off-peak call.
She never misses out on good offers. (offer: товарые которые продаются по хорошей цене).
Are these shoes on offer? (по скидке).
The drinks are on the house. (за счет заведения).
He paid a reasonable price for the eyeglasses. (разумные).
Everything in in this shopping centre is rock bottom. (самое дно).
The trousers here are at rock bottom prices.
He listens to schlocky/shlocky songs. (дрянной).
She likes watching schlocky movies. (низкопробный).
The was a pile of shlocky books on the street vendor's stand. (stand: лавочка).
The car tyres are a steal. (tyre: шина).
She bought a supersaver train ticket on the internet.
He reads tacky playboy magazines. (пошлый).
There's no such thing as a free lunch: бесплатный сыр только в мышеловке.
She bought some trinkets from the souvenir shop. (безделушка, брелок).
All these newspapers are valueless. (ничего не стоящий, бесполезный).
This antique chair is valueless.
He always buys cheap worthless stuff. (некудышный).